Acetylcholine A fluid used in the transmission of information from one nerve ending to another
Allergy Hypersensitivity caused by a foreign substance
Alopecia (Baldness) Male and female pattern baldness that oftentimes is heredity
Amenorrhoea Absence of menstruation
Anaerobic A type of organism that does not require oxygen
Anaesthetic Pain relieving by loss of sensation
Analgesic Pain reliever
Anaphrodisiac Lessening of sexual desire
Anemia Deficiency of either quantity or quality of red corpuscles in the blood
Annual Plant that completes its life cycle in one year
Anodyne Stills pain and quietens disturbed feelings
Anosmic Loss of smell
Anthelmintic A vermifuge, destroying or expelling intestinal worms
Anti venin Neutralizing snake venom that has entered the body.
Anti-acid Combats acid in the body
Anti-allergenic Reduces symptoms of allergies
Anti-arthritic An agent which helps to combat arthritis
Anti-asthmatic An agent that treats or prevents asthma attacks
Anti-bacterial Inhibits bacterial growth
Anti-coagulant Blood-thinner to prevent the formation of blood clots and to maintain open blood vessels
Anti-convulsant Helps control convulsions
Anti-depressant Helps to lift the mood and counteract depression
Anti-dontalgic Relieves toothache
Anti-emetic Reduces the severity or incidence of vomiting
Anti-fungal Inhibits the growth of mould and fungi
Anti-galactagogue Impedes or lessens the flow of milk
Anti-haemorrhagic A substance preventing or combating bleeding
Anti-infectious Prevents against infection
Anti-inflammatory Prevents and reduces inflammation
Anti-microbial A substance reducing or resisting microbes
Anti-neuralgic A substances that reduces or stops nerve pain
Anti-parasitic Acts against parasites
Anti-phlogistic Counteracts inflammation
Anti-pruritic Relieves or prevents sensation of itching
Anti-pyretic Reduces fever
Anti-rheumatic An agent which helps to combat rheumatism
Anti-sclerotic Helps to prevent hardening of arteries
Anti-scorbutic Helps to prevent or cure scurvy
Anti-seborrheic Helps control the oily secretion from sweat glands
Anti-spasmodic Assists to relieve muscle spasms and cramps
Anti-sudorific A substance to help lessen sweating
Anti-toxic Antidote or treatment to counteract the effects of poison
Anti-tussive Relieves coughing
Antibiotic Destroys bacteria and fights infection in the body
Antihistamine Counteracts allergic reaction
Antioxidant A substance to prevent or delay oxidation
Antiseptic Helps control infection is cleansing and prevents microbe development
Antiviral Destroys certain viruses
Anxiety A feeling of apprehension and fear
Aperient Mild laxative
Aphonia Voice loss
Aphrodisiac Increasing sexual desire
Apoplexy Increasing sexual desire
Aromachology The study of the effects of odours on behaviour
Aromatherapy The therapeutic use of essential oils
Arrhythmia Irregular or loss of heartbeat rhythm
Arteriosclerosis Hardening of the arteries
Astringent Causing contraction of organic tissue
Atherosclerosis Accumulation of fatty deposits on the inside walls of arteries
Atony Lack of muscle tone and strenght
Bactericidal An agent destroying bacteria
Balsam Water soluble, semi-solid or viscous resinous exudates similar to that of gum
Bechic Anything referring to coughing, or an agent relieving cough
Biennial A plant completing its life cycle in two years, without flowering the first year
Bilious A condition caused by an excessive secretion of bile
Blepharitis Inflammation of the eyelids
Calmative A sedative
Carcinogenic A substance that promotes cancer or cancerous growths
Cardiac Pertaining to the heart
Carminative Reduces intestinal spasms
Carminative Settles the digestive system and relieves flatulence
Carrier oil An oil which is used to dilute essential oils for the purpose of massage
Cellulite An ‘orange peel’ effect caused by local accumulation of fat and waste products
Cephalic A substance stimulating and clearing the mind
Chemotypes The same botanical species occurring in other forms due to different growth condition
Chi / Qi Chinese term referring to the essential life force
Cholagogue Stimulating the secretion of bile into the duodenum
Cholecystokenetic Agent that stimulates the contraction of the gall blalier
Choleretic Helps the liver to excrete bile, leading to greater bile flow
Cholesterol Is a steroid alcohol found in red blood cells, bile, nervous tissue and animal fat
Cicatrisant Agent promoting healing by scar tissue formation
Cicatrisation Formation of scar tissue
Cirrhosis Chronic inflammation and degeneration of any organ (normally in the liver)
Clinical trial A controlled study to look at the effectiveness of a specific ingredient or application
Cohobation During distillation of essential oils, some compounds can dissolve in the water, and cohobation is then used to correct this problem. to ensure a "complete" oil
Cold pressed Refers to a method of extraction where no external heat is applied during the process
Colic Pain due to contraction of the muscle of the abdominal organs
Concentration Complete attention; intense mental effort
Concentration Complete attention; intense mental effort
Concrete A waxy concentrate semi-solid essential oil extract, made from plant material, and is used to make an absolute
Constipation A state where normal bowel functions are not present
Cutaneous Pertaining to the skin
Cystitis Blalier inflammation
Cytophylactic Action of increasing the leukocyte activity to defend the body against infection
Cytotoxic Toxic to all cells
Decoction A concentrated herbal preparation made by boiling the material and reducing it
Decongestant Reduces congestion
Demulcent An agent protecting mucus membranes and helps stop irritation
Deodorant Substances applied to the body to eliminate body odor caused by the bacterial breakdown of perspiration
Depurative Helps to detoxify and to combat impurities in the blood and body
Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin
Detoxifying Assists to detoxify the body by getting rid of waste, combating impurities in the blood and body
Diaphoretic A substance which helps to promote perspiration
Diffuser A device which helps to release the fragrance molecules into the air
Digestive system The organs that are responsible for getting food into and out of the body and for making use of it.
Disinfectant A substance which kills germs and/or viruses
Distillation A method of extraction used in the manufacture of essential oils
Diuretic Aids urine production and removes fluid from the body
Dysmenorrhoea Painful menstruation
Dysuria Pain or difficulty in urinating
Edema Water/fluid retention (sometimes spelled 'Oedema')
Emetic Inducing vomiting
Emmenagogue Encourages menstruation
Emollients Substances that soften and soothe the skin
Emphysema Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) involving damage to the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs
Endocrine System of glands that secrete a type of hormone to regulate the body via the bloodstream
Energy The capacity of a physical system to do work
Engorgement Refers to swelling within the breast tissue
Enteritis Inflammation of the mucus membranes of the small intestine inflammation
Enuresis Involuntary urinating
Enzyme Protein produced by living cells which catalyse biochemical reactions
Erethism Abnormal state of excitement or irritation
Essential oil Volatile aromatic liquid constituting the odorous principles of botanical matter
Exhaustion A warning that the body is getting too hot.
Exocrine Pertaining to a gland with a duct, secreting directly onto outside surface of organism.
Expectorant A substance that encourages mucus to be expelled from the lungs
Expression Is an extraction method whereby essential oils are pressed to obtain the essential oil
Febrifuge Assists to combat fever
Fever Fever is body temperature is above . degrees F ( degrees C).
Fibrillation Rapid unsynchronised twitching of muscle fibres
Fixative Material that slows evaporation of the volatile components in perfume
Fixed oils Vegetable oils obtained from plants that are fatty and non-volatile
Flatulence Excess gas in the intestinal tract.
Flower water The water resulting from the distillation of essential oils, which still contains some of the plant materials properties from the plant extraction
Fold Refers to the percentage of terpenes removed by re-distillation, from one to five times
Fractionated oils Refers to oils that have been re-distilled, either to have terpenes removed or to remove other substances
Fungicide A substance which combats fungal infections
Galactagogue Assists to increase milk secretion
Gemicidal An agent that destroys micro-organisms
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums
Glossitis Inflammation of the tongue
Halitosis Bad breath
Hangover Nausea, headache, digestive ailments due to over consumption of alcohol
Hay fever A seasonal allergy to airborne p
Headache A pain in the head with the pain being above the eyes or the ears, behind the head (occipital), or in the back of the upper neck.
Heart burn A burning pain in the chest that is caused by stomach acid entering the gullet
Hematuria / Haematuria Presence of blood in the urine
Hemostatic Assists to stop bleeding
Hepatic Pertaining to the liver
Hepatoxic An agent which is toxic or harmful on the liver
Herpes An infection/inflammation of the skin or mucus membranes
Hormone A product from living cells that produces a specific activity of cells remote from its point of origin
Hybrid A plant created by fertilization of one species by another
Hydro diffusion A distillation method of essential oil extraction where the steam is produced above the botanical material and then percolates down
Hydrosol Floral water
Hyperglycemia / Hyperglycaemia Excess of sugar in the blood
Hypertension High blood pressure
Hypocholesterolemia Lowering of the cholesterol content of the blood
Hypoglycemia Lowered blood sugar levels
Hypotension Abnormally low blood pressure
Hypoxia A shortage of oxygen
In vitro In a test tube
In vivo In a living body
Indigestion A disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea
Infection The growth of a parasitic organism within the body
Influenza The flu is caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract
Infused oil An oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with one or more herbs
Infusion Herbal remedy made by steeping the plant material in water
Insect repellent A chemical substance that repels insects
Insomnia Inadequate or poor-quality sleep
Irritability An irritable petulant feeling
Jet lag A temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of rapid air travel across time zones.
Laryngitis Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx
Laxative Are foods, compounds, or drugs taken to induce bowel movements
Leucocytosis Raises number of white blood cells in the blood
Leucorrhoea Vaginal discharge which is whitish in colour
Leukocyte White blood cells responsible for fighting disease
Lipolytic Causing lipolysis which is the chemical disintegration of fats
Macerate To soak until soft
Massage therapist Someone qualified to perform therapeutic massage
Measles Measles is a highly contagious viral disease
Memory enhancement To boost your ability to recover information about past events or knowledge
Menopause Cessation of menstruation which happens naturally as a women ages
Menorrhagia Extreme blood loss during menstruation
Menstrual problems Irregularities in the periodic blood that flows as a discharge from the uterus
Metrorrhagia Uterine bleeding that is not within the normal menstrual cycle
Microbe Tiny living organism such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses
Migraine Usually, periodic attacks of headaches on one or both sides of the head.
Mouth infection An infection in the upper opening of the digestive tract
Mucilage Substance containing demulcent gelatinous constituents
Mucolytic Breaking down mucus
Mumps An acute viral illness that usually presents with inflammation of the salivary glands, particularly the parotid glands.
Muscle pains Discomfort in the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power
Myelin Fatty material enveloping the majority of nerve cells
Natural material secreted by plants which can be spontaneous or after plant damage
Nausea Feeling the urge to vomit
Nephritis Kidney inflammation
Nervine Substance that tones and strengthens the nerves and nervous system
Neuralgia Severe pain along a nerve pathway
Neurasthenia Nervous exhaustion
Nose bleed Nasal injury or drying out or cracking of nasal membrane can cause bleeding
Odoriferous Exudation from botanical material consisting of essential oil, gum and resin
Oedema Retention of fluid or water
Oleo Gum resin
Oleoresin Natural resinous exudation from plants or aromatic liquid preparation extracted from botanical material
Olfaction Sense of smell
Olfactory bulb The center where the processing of smell is started and is then passed onto other areas of the brain
Oliguria Low volume of urine
Ophthalmia Eye inflammation
Ostitis Ear inflammation
Oxidation Related to the aliition of oxygen to an organic molecule, or the removal of electrons or hydrogen from the molecule
Palpitations Abnormality of heartbeat that can cause fear and anxiety, not necessarily related to heart condition
Parturient Assisting and helping childbirth
Pathogenic An agent causing or producing disease
Peptic Pertaining to gastric secretions and affected areas
Perennial A plant living for more than two years
Pharmacology Medical science pertaining to drugs
Pharmacopoeia Reference book of pharmaceutical drug specifications
Pheromone Chemical signals first discovered as a sex attractant in insects
Phototoxic Sun exposure causes skin pigmentation
Phytohormones Plant substances mimicking the actions of human hormones
Phytotherapy Treatment of disease with herbal medicine and plant material
PMS Combination of physical and emotional disturbances that occur after a woman ovulates and ends with menstruation.
Polypus A non-malignant cyst like growth
Pomade Perfumed fat obtained during the enfleurage extraction method
Prophylactic Preventative of disease or infection
Prostatitis Inflammation of the prostate gland
Pruritis Itching
Psoriasis A chronic skin disease producing red patches and dry scaling
Psychosomatic Pertaining to a physical disorder influenced by emotional factors effecting the mind and body
Pulmonary The pulmonary arteries carry blood from the heart to the lungs
Pyelitis Inflammation of the kidneys
Pyorrhea or Pyorrhoea A discharge of puss from the gums
Pyrosis Is heartburn which is a painful burning sensation in the oesophagus
Rectification Process of re-distilling essential oils to remove impurities and to increase the quality
Relaxing A feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry
Renal Pertaining to the kidneys, renal failure or kidney failure is when the kidneys fail to adequately filter toxins
Resin Natural or prepared product; natural resins are exudations from trees; prepared resins are oleoresins from which the essential oil has been removed
Resinoids Perfumed material extracted from natural resinous material by solvent extraction
Resolvent An agent that helps disperse swelling, or that helps absorption of new growth
Respiratory problems Difficulty in exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Rheumatism A number of painful conditions of muscles, tendons, joints, and bones
Rhizome Underground root stem of a plant, that is usually found underground and that lasts for more than one season
Rubefacient Substance causing redness and possible irritation to the skin
Scar tissue The connective tissue that forms a scar
Sciatica Pain down the back of the legs in the area serviced by the sciatic nerve
Sclerosis Is a hardening of tissue and other anatomical features
Scrofula Tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands
Sea sickness A form of motion sickness sometimes experienced when on a vessel at sea; especially during rough weather
Seborrhea Increased secretion of sebum
Sedative Slows down functional activity, calming
Shock Is failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate blood flow.
Sialogogue An agent stimulating the secretion of saliva.
Sinusitis Inflammation of the lining membrane of any of the hollow areas (sinuses) of the bone of the skull around the nose
Soporific A substance or drug which helps to induce sleep
Spermatorrhoea Involuntary release of sperm without orgasm
Splenic Pertaining to the spleen, connected with, or affecting the spleen
Stimulant Has an uplifting effect on the body
Stomachic A substance which helps with the digestion and helps to improve appetite
Stomatitis Inflammation of the mucus membranes of the mouth
Styptic An agent that that promotes haemostasis which stops bleeding.
Sudorific An agent causing sweating
Sun burn Inflammation of the skin that develops in response to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or from tanning beds
Synergy Agents working together and in harmony to produce an effect greater than the sum of the two separate agents
Synthetic Refers to non organic sources
Tachycardia Abnormally increased heartbeat heart, beating at more than beats per minute
Tannin An astringent substance that helps seal tissues
Terpeneless Essential oil from which monoterpene hydrocarbons are removed
Throat The throat is the anterior (front) portion of the neck beginning at the back of the mouth
Thrombosis Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body
Thrush A fungal infection that presents in the mouth or vaginal area
Tic Repetitive twitching
Tincture Referring to either a herbal or perfume material prepared in an alcohol base
Tonic Producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue
Tonsillitis Inflammation of the tonsil, typically as a result of infection by either a virus or bacteria.
Tooth ache Pain in or near a tooth.
Tracheitis Windpipe inflammation
Tuber Swollen part of underground stem of one year's duration and capable of new growth
Unguent A soothing or healing salve or balm, for application to sores and wounds
Urticaria Is the medical name for hives which are pink welt that come up on any part of the skin
Varicose veins Visible or bulging
Vasoconstrictor An agent causing the contraction of blood vessel walls
Vasodilator An agent such as a nerve or a drug causing the dilation of blood vessel walls
Vermifuge An agent expelling intestinal worms
Volatile Substance that evaporates readily at normal temperatures such as an essential oil